The language of flowers

- Acacia : Sincere friendship, pure love, secret love.
- White Acacia : Platonic love, pure love, friendship
- Amaryllis : Prayer, timidity, splendid beauty, pride
- Anemone : Abandon, betrayed love, simplicity of sentiments, levity.
- Aquilegia : Folly.
- Arbutus : I love only you
- Aspodelus : I am very sorry
- Aster : Suspicion, doubt
- Azalea : Temperance, sincerity, timidity in love, the joy of love
- Balsamina : Will you be my love?
- Bay : Glory, ambition, triumph, aphrodisiac
- Begonia : Be careful!
- Bergamot : Pure love
- Apple blossom : Preference
- Cherry blossom : Good manners
- Orange blossom : Virginity, fertility, purity, innocence, eternal love, marriage and faith fulness
- Peach blossom : Courtesy, undying love
- Broom : Luminosity, splendour, cleanliness
- Camelia : Costance, admiration, gratitude, meet again, grace, esteem, find oneself
- Campanula : Caresses, kisses
- Capelvenere : Discretion
- Carnation : Deep, pure love, do not forget, alive love, denial
- White carnation : Purity, faithful disposition
- Yellow carnation : Unworthiness, elegance
- Pink carnation : Friendship, faithfulness, reciprocal love, I will never forget you
- Red carnation : Lively love, energy, a broken heart which bleeds for love
- Dark red carnation : Faithfulness, horror
- Variegated carnation : Trust me, refusal
- Chrysanthemum : You are a wonderful friend, disheartened, in Italy it is used for deaths, in China it is given to the bride, in Japan it means a declaration of love, in England it is used for births
- Red Chrysanthemum : Love
- White Chrysanthemum : Truth
- Cistus : Consense, success, popularity
- Clivia : Appointment
- Clematis : Contrivance
- Cockscomb : Immortality, indifference
- Convolvus : Flirt
- Cornflower : Light, purity of sentiments, first love, clarity, delicacy
- Crocus : Restlessness, youthful joy, strength, energy
- Cyclamin : Unpretentious love, simplicity, difference, beauty, jealousy, lasting sentiments, solitude, resignation and farewell
- Single Dahlia : Recognition, good taste, novelty, dignity and elegance
- Double Dahlia : Instability
- Dandelion : Prophecy, faithfulness
- Datura : Hypocracy
- Daisey : Levity, inanity
- Daisy : Exchange of sentiments, hope
- Ears of corn : Abundance, prosperity, wealth, fortune
- Edelweiss : Nobilty and a good soul, courage
- Elder : Betrayal
- Erica : Solitude, fortune
- Fern : Mistery, sincerity
- Flowering Mytle : Betrayed love
- Forget-me-not : Eternal love, sentimental commitment, everlasting love
- Foxglove : Lies, falseness
- Frescia : Platonic love
- Fucsia : Frugality, cordiality
- Gardenia : Sincerity, friendship, (for a man: friendship for her but without love), secret, undeclared love
- Garland of flowers : Love chain
- Gentian : Contempt, pain
- Geranium : Well-being, esteem melancholy, presumption, stupidity, I prefer you
- Pink geranium : Languidness
- Gladiolus : Indifference, diffidence, character, respect, appointment
- Hawthorn : Sweet hope, prudence
- Hibiscus : Delicate beauty, courtship
- Holly : Abundance, fecundity, defence, strenght, resistance, eternity, happiness in the family
- Hollyhock : Fecondity
- Hood flower : Levity
- Hyacinth : Ardent love, entertainment, games, grace, sweetness, provoke benevolence, constancy
- Hydrangea : Capricious, dispsassionate, negligence
- Iris : A message, good news
- Ivy : Affection, everlasting faithfulness, exclusive love, deep friendship, tenderness
- Jasmin : Pleasure, attraction, luck, money, amiable character, lovable, timidity kindness, the name means displeasure over lies which a person might tell
- White jasmin : Grace, sensuality, amiability
- Yellow jasmin : Amiability, kindness, candour, elegance
- Jonquil : Desire
- Kockia : Declaration of war
- Laural : Success, glory, triumph, aphrodisiac
- Lavanda : My only happiness in the memory of you, diffidence, distrust, good luck
- Lemon verbena : Capricious
- Lilac : Growing love, for the first time
- White lilac : Youthfulness, childhood, innocence, emotions of love, reluctance
- Purple lilac : The first throbs of love, suspicion
- Linden tree : Married bliss
- Lily : Purity, majesty, youthful innocence, innocence, virginity, candour, greatness, it is given for a birth, or religious event, baptism, communion, wedding
- Lily of the valley : Virginity, flirtations, return of happiness
- Arum lily : Absolute beauty, finesse
- Pink lily : Vanity
- White lily : Purity and innocence
- Yellow lily : Nobilty, greatness
- Magnolia : Superb beauty, modesty, goodness, do not trust me
- Margarite : Innocence, freshness, spontaneity, goodness, greatness, faithfulness, transparency of behaviour, compliment to beauty, purity, timidity, modesty, simplicity, I’ll think it over
- White margarite : Innocence
- Marigold : Sacred affection
- Marigold : Displeasure, jealousy, pangs of love, cruelty
- Mignonette : Sweetness, enjoyment
- Mimosa : Innocence, modesty, liberty, autonomy, sensibility
- Mimosa pudica : Esteem, sensitivity
- Yellow mimosa : Esteem
- Pink mimosa : Appreciation for the sensitivity of a person
- Misletoe : Fortune, happiness, overcoming obstacles, goals reached, difficulties overcome, victory
- Mordigallina : Appointment
- Morning glory : Lost hope, obscurity
- Mugwort : Serenity, happiness, health
- Myosotis : Memories;
- Narcisus : Self-centred, pleasant love
- Nasturtion : Ardent love
- Oak : Hospitality
- Orange : Fecundity
- Orange flower : Virginity, fecundity, purity innocence, eternal love, matrimony and faithfulness
- Orchid : Finesse, sensuality, sensual beauty, ardour, commitment
- Palm : Victory
- Passionflower : Trust, religion, faith
- Peony : Timidity, shame
- Periwinkle : Lasting love, sweet memories
- Petunia : Difficulties
- Poinsettia : Good omen, youthfulness, renewal
- Polyanthes tuberosa : indifference, illicit requests, voluptuou expression, pleasure of the senses
- Pomegranate : Inconsiderate
- Popinac : Candor
- Poppy : Slowness, doubt, surprise, consolation, rest, eccentricity
- White poppy : Sleep, misfortune
- Pink poppy : Serenity, vivaciousness
- Red poppy : Pride, eccentricity
- Primula : Youthfulness, first love. hope melancholy, credulity
- Ranunculus : Attractive charm, danger
- Rhododendrom : First declaration of love
- Rose : Love, beauty, sweetness, glory
- Coral pink rose : Desire
- Dog rose : Poetic gift, pleasure and sufferance
- Peach pink rose : Secret love
- Orange rose : Fascination
- White rose : Pure spiritual love, pure sentiments, candour, innocence, faithfulness, silence, you are an angel
- White rose bud : I am too young to love
- Wild rose : Simplicity
- Yellow rose : Jealousy, faithfulness, refusal of love, hopeful of love, love which is over, love which is petering out, shame
- Pink rose : Friendship, affection, engagements, grace and kindness, freshness, tenderness.
- Pale pink rose : Joy
- Dark pink rose : Gratitude;
- Red rose : Passionate love, burning love, passion
- Coral red rose : The desire of those who are in love
- Red and white roses : Unity (for a close couple)
- Tea rose : Kindness
- Rose-bay : Boldness
- Rosemary : Fecundity, consolation
- Blue Sage : I appreciate your qualities
- Golden Sage : Saleability
- Red Sage : Ambition
- Salvia splendens : Esteem
- Snake’s head : Persecution
- Snowdrop : Consolation
- Strelizia : Nobilty and majesty, turbulence
- St. John’s wort : Originality
- Sunflower : Devotion, adoring love, unhappy love, false glamour or richness
- Tulip : abundance, perfect love, declaration of love, inconstancy, honesty, love messages
- Yellow tulip : Desperate love
- Red tulip : Declaration of love;
- Variegated tulip : Your eyes are splendid
- Verbena : Sincerity
- Viola : memories, thoughts, thoughts of love, always in my thoughts
- Violet : Purity, timidity, modesty, humilty, simplicity, honesty, faithfulness, candour
- Parfumed violet : Modesty and demureness
- Wallflower : Elegance, compassion, fickleness
- Yellow wallflower : Disdain
- Waterlily : Eloquence, dispassionate, elegant, aloof love
- Wisteria : Tender, dis-interested friendship
- Zinnia : Simplicity, spiritual greatness, flirtation, incostancy, I bewail your absence